Ch.9 - Principles, the Path to Miracles

There is just nothing like witnessing a miracle.  Even more, there's nothing like a creative miracle.  Or so I've been told. 

That's not a statement of disbelief, by any means.  It is a concession that there's been a misfire of disproportionate measure when it comes to signs, wonders, and miracles being operational in my life.

The first part of the phrase, Cre8tive Revival, the descriptor, "creative", let me just say, that's not where my conundrum began.  God restored creativity to my hands some four years ago; January 2019.  I've experienced Him firsthand time and time again.  The creative mind and spirit, I most certainly understand.

I've experienced and witnessed other miracles.  While still others have shared their testimonies of God's hand displayed upon their lives.  I'm not satisfied to continue through this life without at least another miracle or two on display before my very eyes.

My heart's desire is to see God's hand so resident in and on my life that when I pray for someone's healing, anyone, anywhere, really, they'd experience a miracle the size of God's proportions spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally.  When He heals, He touches the whole person; not one part is capable of escaping His miraculous touch.

And if I were to be absolutely honest, Sir, Mister, Discipline, I'd have to say I've grown a bit tired in the waiting of this particular promise.  I know God's timing is always perfect.  But it's I who has the issue.  I feel that God is taking His sweet timing in bestowing this gift upon my life.  I mean, it's me, not Him, I do understand that.  It's me, it's my struggle that's really the issue, right?

Nonetheless, I'm no different for the knowing nor did anything change in my admitting.  It's me, God. 

We both know it's definitely not You.  I'm desperate here for You to come and help me understand.  I have been waiting day after day for those promises; signs, the wonders, the miracles.  The greater things, they just seem to keep right on evading me.  I've reached an impasse.  Or so it seems.

That is, until…well, when you, Discipline, grew that foot there in front of me. 

You see, the shift, the foot; the miracle, the signs, and wonders came out just the other day to greet me.  And just as quickly as they came, they went right back again, as if they'd rather stay in a secret place of hiding. 

Discipline, won't you please help me here?  I can't stand it.  I don't know that I am able to wait any longer.  Please, let there be no further ado.  I desperately want to understand, to even grasp, and quite comprehend, just what do miracles have to do with you, my new best friend?

Well, if you're truly ready for your next lesson, ma'am, grab your Bible and a pen.  Sit down with me at the table.  Then, give me one more second as I hop right up here right next to you. 

One foot hopping, whew.  I need to up my caloric intake just a little bit. 

So here we go.  Hebrews chapter 12, starting in verse 7, endure hardship and suffering as Discipline.  Sound fun?  Could be, I guess.  Depends upon your mindset, the focus of your relationship with God. 

Do you see yourself an orphan or a daughter or son?  The telltale is how you embrace me -- Discipline.  Do you hug me close or push me away?  Do you listen close or always have something to say? 

I'm a teacher, a guide, it's true.  Those are also things that a parent will be for you.

Well, Discipline, you've got me here thinking about the things I thought I knew, those things I never learned.  Even this passage, I've heard it read aloud my whole life.  God disciplines those He loves. I get that completely.  I most surely do.

What I absolutely missed for now the past 54 years is found in Hebrews 12 verses 12 through 13. 

"Strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees" (v. 12)

Just what do feeble arms and weak knees have to do with you, oh, Discipline?  Please tell me my arms won't become feeble or my knees weak from the time spent by your side.

Ha, ha, that's funny.  Quite the opposite is true.  The feeble arms and weak knees come when fighting against the purpose for which God is using me in somebody's life. 

It takes a lot of energy, spiritually, emotionally, physically to go against what God intends.  It's sort of like going against the current or swimming upstream. 

It's the practice and the principle.  When you raise your arms in surrender and begin just worshipping, the fresh touch of God's anointing and healing begins flowing right on through you. 

And then when you bend your feeble knees, you bow before the Lord, humbly.  Going low on bended knee draws God to your side.  He can't help but respond when one assumes such a posture. 

You remember that day you knelt down below, you realized that day kneeling mattered.  The very thing you experienced then He's now brought fresh understanding.

But continue, read the start of verse 13.

"Make level paths for your feet."

Hmm.  So the practice of this principle, there's three important parts to ready ourselves for healing?

(1) Raise your arms in surrender

(2) Bend your knees, lower your posture, come before the Lord in worship and in prayer.

(3) Give careful thought to your path.  Smooth it out.  Make your path level.  Ensure there's no places on which anyone could trip or could fall. 

And as you do these things, the result is quite interesting, the lame will not be disabled, but rather healed.

So let me put this into practice.  Raise my hands in worship. 

Jesus, you are the King of Kings, the Great I Am, the  perfecter and finisher of my whole life, of each and everything.  I stand right up tall, now lifting my hands, I completely surrender. 

And in the same fashion, let me now go down low; knees bent touching the cold, hard floor.  I offer up this prayer quite humbly. 

Let the path before, beside, and behind me be made level for all others just the same.  Use my life, oh, God, to heal the sick, the lame.  Let the prophecies you've spoken, the anointing imparted on my life be for others healing. 

Flow through my life, bring your healing touch through my hands, wherever my feet may take me.  I will stay here in this posture.  I will no longer fight against the teacher you've sent to me; this one, Sir Discipline. 

Let's today mark as changed, a brand new day ….

Oooooh, it's happening!

Look at that!  Another creative miracle!  I have another foot.  I no longer have to hop around. 

Level ground, I'm coming for you.  Let's try this thing out.

One foot, two foot, walking, walking.  Nah, forget the walking.  Let's run! 

Leveled up!  Yes.

All right.  Enough of the frolicking, enough of the fun.  There's still so much more work to be done.

Now who's ruining whose fun?  Raining on my parade, are we?

Yes, we are, yes, indeed.  Let me slow my stride a step or two as you get used to your new foot. 

Back out the door, down the hall, back to that closet, back through the floor? 

Stay with me.  Stay at my side. I need you to always be my guide. I don't know what the floodlight will draw my attention to next, I just know I can do all things with His light on my path and Discipline as my guide.


Ch.10 - Sound the Alarm


Ch.8 - Polo