Ch.3 - Enemy Horde

One rung, two rungs, three rungs, four…darkness greets me as I step one more. And then, as soon as my toe touches the last, rung five… ah, there's suddenly light in what was just an old, dark, place.

How'd it get so bright in here all of a sudden? Is that a floodlight that just appeared in front of me? Sure enough. How'd that get here? I don't remember making that install. No complaints though for without it I would have walked right into this wall.

"Jesus, is that you? It is, isn't it? Thanks for the reminder of the Israelites at the Red Sea. The sea didn't part for them either until they took that first step in. Truth be told, I would have preferred for that light to shine from when my foot hit that very first rung. I know, I know this is where I walk out my faith and trust as I grow. You promised to be right here with me guiding my way, so thanks for the floodlight shining bright like the sun in the middle of the day.

I'm sorry. What, Jesus? I missed that. What did you say? Psalm 18:28-29 did you tell me to reference? Yes, sir. I'm now writing down exactly what the passage has to say."

God, all at once you turned on a floodlight for me! You are the revelation-light in my darkness, and in your brightness, I can see the path ahead. With you as my strength I can crush an enemy horde, advancing through every stronghold that stands in front of me. (Psalm 18:28-29, TPT)

Floodlight. Revelation light in darkness. See the path ahead. Through your strength, crush an enemy horde. Advance through every stronghold.

Crush 'em! Got it. Let's go.

Well, wait a minute. Which way should I go first? I can turn and walk right or turn and walk left. I don't remember which way is which in this place anymore.

I guess it's not so much the direction we go as it is what we learn in the going.

Psalm 18:29 speaks to advancing through every stronghold but speaks of no real direction. So advancing, moving forward, that's the direction we'll go.

Stronghold after stronghold. Hmmm. No, now wait. That means more than one; strongholds with an S. Plural? God help me, please.

And just how many strongholds are there, anyway? There's no way I can know until we complete some kind of survey of the foundation here below. I'll just look for cracks and crevices in which enemy hordes like to hide. I'll shine the floodlight dispelling any shadows, lighting up corners , and casting your light on the walls and floors where my roots look to be charred and burned.

Okay. Here we go. Wait, I've never surveyed a foundation before. I mean, I've seen things pop out of that closet of mine from time to time. They're always attempting to scare me; they even try to make me run and hide.

How do I fight these hordes of enemies below?

Just another example of the many things nobody's taught me.

Hmmm. Wait. Let me say that again but out loud.

"Things no one's taught me."

Seems a horde is that statement itself.

Hordes upon hordes? Oh, man. Grit your teeth and bear it.

It's okay, I say to myself. Don't shrink back. Just call to Jesus, the Holy Spirit for help. There's no need to fear. I get to learn and deploy every lesson I've never learned as it unfolds, right down here.

One step, two steps, cobwebs, spiders, galore. A mouse scurries then scampers, behind it a few more. I'm feeling a little sick to my stomach, sneezing from all the dust and the grime.

Can't believe I left all this down here unattended. Really wish I would have addressed it at the same time as the closet above rather than waiting another whole year.

I don't know, maybe I wasn't ready then for all of that, and then this, and I'm sure there's much, much more.

Well, I hope it's not that much more. Last year was quite a bit. 30 years it took to finally deal with it. And then all these things here in the underneath, they go back even further, past 30 to 40; to a time from my childhood when I was maybe 7 or 8. It's nearly 4o some years ago that all these things have been living in this place. That's a long time to allow things to continue to reside, especially without charging them one cent in rent.

Backpay? Now there's a thought. If only the things that reside here below gathered income from their work; that would be nice.

They sure did rob from me. They've stolen things throughout the course of my life. And no matter what age they came here to dwell, I'm still quite responsible for giving them permission to stake their claim. Even more is my portion that I've allowed them to stay.

But this is it. No longer will this be where they stay. The trap door has been opened, swung wide, and unhinged. This day, right now, starting this very minute I stand steadfast and sure, I've positioned my spirit in the courtroom of Heaven.

With eviction papers in one hand, a pen in the other, and Jesus interceding; the Holy Spirit serves now as my counsel of record. God, I give you access. I stand in your authority. Lower your gavel on this entire horde of strongholds.

So with Your Word as the sword in my right hand, an axe in the other, I declare I'm battle ready.

The first swing of the axe on this battle ground; I'm going for the things I've never learned.

The Sword, God's Word, there's no better guide. Undergirded with principles. Wait a minute, principles? Sounds a bit like Geometry. Rules, hypotheses, right angles, obtuse. Guess I learned and remembered some things, it's true. Difference is, I'm studying now, taking notes, correcting mostly wrong calculations.

My purpose? Become a better "grade" of me, for my husband, my family, my children and grandchildren. Especially the latter. I don't want these things to continue past me to anyone after.

So turn the page with me, as we move this story forward. Horde one, I'm coming to attack.

All the things I've never learned? It's funny to consider, just how does one know what it is they've never learned? Go figure?

Figure it out as I go, I mean. Sounds just how I've lived most of my life, figuring things out as I go.


Ch.4 - Learning as I Go


Ch.2 - Underneath