Ch.7 - Marco

That seems just a tad too easy, don't you think?  Just a decision is all it takes to bring Discipline closer to me.  I think that's just the first step,  there's got to be more. Think of all the time and energy wasted not long so ago as I was fighting fear, a myriad of emotions, and of course, the straight-up resistance I've had to Sir Discipline all these years. 

How ridiculous is it that for 50-some-even years of my life I've failed to truly embrace him?!

Just a decision? Nah, there's a catch.  There's just got to be.

But what if what Discipline said is true? What if he is just that fun?  What if he is about learning, teaching, and instruction?  I mean, I have no reason to doubt his words, right?  At least not now.  After all, God did light him up underneath.  God wanted to make sure I didn't pass him by. 

I still have a lot of questions to ask of him.  Hmph.  See, I was right, it's more than just a decision; at least in the way my brain works.

Oh, Discipline?  Where are you?  Where did you go?  I have more questions for you.

Wait.  He couldn't have gone anywhere by himself.  He has no hands or feet. It's not like he could crawl or walk away.  We were just talking a little bit ago. 

It was me, wasn't it?  I did it again.  I left his side.  He didn't move.  I was the one who got up and just walked away, right after he took all that time to tell me who he was.


What in the world did I do?  Discipline, where are you?  I should have put one of those Apple tags on you.  Well, if I speak the truth quite honest, I need one of those thingies on EVERYTHING.  I spend so much time just searching for things.

I guess I'll come across him again around here somewhere.  Maybe eventually.  For now, off to to search "thingies to keep track of things."  I'm sure Alexa will know exactly what I'm talking about.

* * * * *

Meanwhile…Discipline lies alone on a pillow atop the coffee table, staring at the ceiling in the center of the living room. 

If you listen closely, you can hear him muttering to himself.

Where did she go?  Seems like she's been gone for a while. Left me here all alone on top of this pillow way aloft some random coffee table? 

Ah, a coffee table.  That's why I have this nagging pain in the small of my back.  I'll try not to complain too much, at least she did provide for me this soft cushy pillow.

Honestly, though.  I'm more concerned about that furry creature laying on the couch just staring at me.  I mean, she's cute and all, but those pointy ears, that wet black nose, and pink drooling tongue, she sure licks a lot.  I sure hope she's not at all hungry.  Today's not the day I hope to become a treat or a snack.  Not today, not tomorrow, not any day. 

Let me lay real still, like this.  I'll just keep my head down.  Don't make eye contact.  Let me nestle in.

Shhh.  Yeah, go back to sleep.  Snore away, little puppy.  Your snoring helps to drown out the conversation I'm having with myself. 

Now, where was I?  Oh, yeah.

I wonder what she will decide.  I told her all about me.  Why didn't she just choose?  Why did she just walk away.  Did I say she left me on a pillow on top of a coffee table?  I did? 

Guess with each moment that passes, I get a little more crusty about it.  It really feels a bit PTSD-ish, lying here alone all over again.  At least this is a much cleaner, much, much brighter place.  A soft pillow bed instead of a cold dusty floor space.

(Bounces a little.) 

This pillow really does make for a soft, cushy bed.  I'm not trying to complain.  I just desperately need her to come to understand. 

So in my waiting, let me just say it once more; it sure is nice and toasty up here with all of those rays of shining in.

(Bouncing some more)

I…just…wish…I…could…move…five…inches...this…way.  Then, I could, at least, get a tan. 

Who am I kidding?  No one cares what color I am.

Why in the world would she choose anything other than me?  I hope she doesn't blame me or think that I decided myself to not be at her side back when.  Maybe I should have reassured her that I wasn't trying to stay hidden all these years. 

Maybe I need to tell her that I know she didn't mean to leave me back then or even maybe now.   

Well, I wasn't really alone, was I?  There are other things that live down there. 

She had great parents.  They were her teachers or what I like to call, "Discipline guides."  Discipline guides are the ones who introduce a person to…well, to me, to Discipline.

(Pausing for a bit.)

What is taking her so long?  If only I had hands and feet, I'd crawl down from this lofty place and set out to find her, expeditiously.

I guess I'll just have to give her a shout.  Right out loud.  Not by text nor a phone call.  I mean, really loud, bellow it out.  Get ready for my shout.

Lisa?  Where are you? 

Come out, come out, wherever you are!


Marco…(still nothing).

Let's try one…more…time.



Ch.8 - Polo


Ch.6 - Decision Time