Ch.6 - Decision Time

I am sure you remain quite hungry, Discipline.  But if I could suggest that you take some time and pace yourself. 

Funny conversation we're having here.  It would appear that even you, Discipline, struggle with, well, being disciplined?  Tell me if I'm wrong.  Being able to pause what you're doing; shouldn't that come easy for you?

I guess that goes to show that all of us struggle from time to time with discipline.

So how do we learn and how to we become disciplined?  My first thought, my initial reaction, I believe discipline comes with practice. And as such is the case, practice I'll do.  I want you in my life, closer than you've ever been.  I need you as my greatest ally. 

Yes, practice.  It means that it's something that I'm working on.  And here's another interesting fact, we can't be disciplined without practicing discipline.  Have to have a measure of you in order to get a measure more.

So much to think about already.  I don't know if I'm right or wrong with what I think I might know.  Maybe I just need to be quiet? Why don't I just let you speak? Go ahead, tell me what's on your mind.

How about this?  Let me just give you the floor.  Yes, the entire floor.  I promise to do my best to refrain from questions or talking along the way.  I don't want to say something or anything, really, that isn't true or right about you.  And I definitely don't want to speak of things based on my own understanding or personal point of view. 

So just give me the facts, the important things, Discipline.  Tell me, who are you?

Well, hello.  My name is Discipline. 

Hmm.  Where should I start?  Oh, I know. I have felt nothing but misunderstood for as long as I can remember.  People seem to consider me unfriendly, an outcast, or just some rusty tool in a shed which has no purpose.  They think I'm anything but fun; that I'm a chore; that I'm absolutely boring. 

Truth is…well, I'm none of those things.  I'm just like anyone you, you see.  I'm best when I'm needed, most satisfied when I'm wanted. 

But that's not what you were asking, were you?  Or maybe I've answered your question in a backwards sort of way? Maybe, truth be told some more, I'm still just a little bit hangry.  I also sort of speaking out of my frustration in a heartfelt desire just to be understood.

One thing's for sure; this lack of hands and feet; I wouldn't wish this on anyone or anything.

Before I digress too far, let me come back to your original question.  You asked me who am I?  It may be easier to start with who I'm not. 

I'm not punishment that comes from a belt, or a hand, or even a wooden spoon, neither am I a set of rules to be enforced.  I don't expect those who know me to always do what's right, nor am I governed by consistency; consistent I am not.  I'm not something that you do just because someone said, because I told you so." Most importantly, I'm not rigid nor boring; in fact, I can be quite flexible, even inspiring, or so I've been told by those who have given me a chance.

Maybe I can tell you more about me if I use the nick name that was once given to me.  Discipline seems to speak so seriously, so let me give you my nick name.  Hello, you can call me Disciple.  That's what my friends called me before I was forgotten underneath.

Disciple, it is a Latin word, "discipulus."  Yeah, say that ten times fast.

A disciple brings more meaning to help you understand that discipline has a much different meaning that most are left to believing.  If you go to the Latin, the definition of disciple is a student and a follower. 

And what is a student?  Well, one who studies, right?  And what is a follower but one who walks in the steps of their leader?

So with that groundwork set before us, I hope we've come to an understanding.  But let me take it one step further, since it appears we've begun our training.  There's another Latin word that will help you get to know me even better; "disciplina".  It's meaning?  Instruction and training. 

So I think you now see; I'm not some big ogre trying to come and take anyone's fun.  I am definitely quite the opposite. I'm a teacher, a trainer extraordinaire.  And so in keeping of that same vein, in understanding Latin, my greatest desire and my ultimate purpose is to simply help everyone learn.

So who am I?  Well, in simplest form; I come to help you study, learn, train, and apply standards, that's who I am.

So, if I may, if I might, let me use a practical means to increase understanding.  I've learned the more I repeat myself, the better the comprehending. 

I am not a list of rules, regulations, nor am I a punishment.  I'm not compliance, obedience, nor am I some means of enforcement.  I'm not rigid.  I'm not boring.  I do not do the same thing all the time.  I'm not something someone does to you.  I'm definitely not the source of tears nor crying nor disappointment.

Ultimately, I just desire to be your closest friend.

So now that you've heard my spiel, and I've told you know exactly who I'm not, I have, in return, one simple question. What are you going to do with this bit of information? What, may I ask, is exactly your intention? 

Well, Mr. Discipline, let me first do the proper thing and thank you for your time.  Thank you for all you've shared with me, for imparting words of knowledge and wisdom, too. 

But learning isn't enough, is it?  Having knowledge by itself is, well, just knowledge.  I don't want just information about you, a definition added to the many just resident in my head.  From the depths of my heart, I want you to be a close, close friend. 

I think I've said all I need to say.  Tell me, what is it that I'm missing?


Well, without sounding rude or curt, let me at least say one thing more.  If you want me close, like you say, you've got only one thing you then need to do; just decide.

There, I said it.  Make a decision.  If you want me to live here at your side instead of that root cellar, then the choice is all yours. 

A decision?  Really?  A decision is all that takes?


Ch.7 - Marco


Ch.5 - With Fear I Fight